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Case Study: Support After Diagnosis


Updated: Oct 11, 2022

This story has been shared with the knowledge and permission of the client.

Couple presented due to a medical condition and had to cease working for a period of time, still waiting a firm diagnosis of his medical condition, very unwell and also that of his wife, unsure when able to return to work. There has been a long waiting period for Centrelink processing of new claim which impacted on tenancy, and at risk of termination. The husband had worked all his life, devastated to having to seek support through an agency such as ours, felt helpless and looked deflated.

With advocacy support from our agency and funds from brokerage, in partnership with St Vincent De Paul and Finucare Financial counselling services, rent arrears were cleared. This couple were given food support during the period they waited for Centrelink processing of claim and regular contacts from the housing support. To sustain the tenancy HSO advocated with Centrelink social worker, advised of clients circumstances, also that they had never had to deal with Centrelink, and the new claim was processed in a timely manner and benefits were backdated and payments commenced.

Client could not express his gratitude enough, stating that he and his wife were overwhelmed with the financial support from our agency and the other two partnered agencies, the care received from our agency in phone calls and understanding their situation. Tenancy is back on track and health condition is no longer stressed by financial stress.


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