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Case Study: Homeless After Hospital Stay


Updated: Oct 11, 2022

This story has been shared with the knowledge and permission of the client.

The client was due to be discharged after a short stay, the children were being cared for by a family member. The client had no housing options. Prior to being in hospital the family been homeless for several months, couch surfing, street present and many short term housing stays. The children had changed schools many times in the recent past.

The client’s details were taken and he was placed on the waitlist for crisis housing. In the interim the hospital referred the client to singles crisis accommodation.

In due course the homelessness worker (HSW) contacted the client and at an appointment the client and worker discussed- housing history, barriers/issues impacting on the ability to source housing, and willingness to be supported by the program. It was clear that the family had many issues which were impacting on their ability to source long term housing.

The client, HSW, crisis housing and a community housing provider developed a plan to have the client move into a vacant transitional family accommodation where the family could be could be reunited and have intensive support from the Westaus HSW.

The family moved into the transitional accommodation and were supported with setting up of the rental. The client and HSW developed an action plan to prioritize and set goals for the family, financial advice and general orientation of the agencies and services in the locale were also provided as well as some transporting to various appointments. The children were enrolled at school and Client B commenced treatment for several health issues and concerns. The client also linked in with a local job network provider.

HSW continued to visit weekly to ensure that the client was following through with plans and following up with the relevant services.

HSW continued to advocate for the client where/when required.

Applications for long term housing were made to the relevant services under the National Partnership agreement.

After 4 months in the transitional accommodation the client was allocated long-term rental by the Housing Authority. The client was and continues to be supported by HSW with any issues which have arisen.

Currently the client is still settling in to the rental, the realization that the family has a permanent home now is quite daunting. The client has admitted that although there is a feeling of relief that the children have security there is still some work to be done, adapting to the idea that, the family can settle and put down roots rather than plan for the next move. HSW will continue to support the clients for up to 12 months or more if required.


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